The image displays a collection of black and white icons and symbols, each representing a different object or concept. The items are arranged in a grid-like pattern, with each row and column containing a unique symbol. Starting from the top left, there's a deer, followed by a tree, a snowflake, a gift, a pair of glasses, a lightning bolt, a castle, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a snowflake, a gift, a pair of glasses, a lightning bolt, a castle, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a snowflake, a gift, a pair of glasses, a lightning bolt, a castle, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a snowflake, a gift, a pair of glasses, a lightning bolt, a castle, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a snowflake, a gift, a pair of glasses, a lightning bolt, a castle, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a snowflake, a gift, a pair of glasses, a lightning bolt, a castle, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a snowflake, a gift, a pair of glasses, a lightning bolt, a castle, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a snowflake, a gift, a pair of glasses, a lightning bolt, a castle, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a snowflake, a gift, a pair of glasses

ChristmasHolidayFestiveWinterSymbolsIconsSilhouetteChristmas TreeGiftsChristmas Icons

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