syntax error, unexpected $end SELECT `id`, `url`, `title`, MATCH (`title`,`description`,`tags`) AGAINST ('*ABS (Artist\'s Black Silhouette) *ABS with A (Artist\'s Black Silhouette with A) *ABS with ABC (Artist\'s Black Silhouette with ABC) *ABS with A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I ( *ATC (Artist Trading Card) *Abstract design *Stylized lettering *Gothic art *Dark fantasy *Intri' IN BOOLEAN MODE) as `score` FROM `designs` WHERE MATCH (`title`,`description`,`tags`) AGAINST ('*ABS (Artist\'s Black Silhouette) *ABS with A (Artist\'s Black Silhouette with A) *ABS with ABC (Artist\'s Black Silhouette with ABC) *ABS with A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I ( *ATC (Artist Trading Card) *Abstract design *Stylized lettering *Gothic art *Dark fantasy *Intri' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND `id`!='3ed29d78' ORDER BY `score` DESC LIMIT 10