The image features a graphic with text and a stylized golf ball. The text is arranged in a vertical format and reads: "GOLF DAD LIKE A REGULAR DAD BUT COOLER." The words "GOLF DAD" are at the top in a larger font, followed by "LIKE A REGULAR DAD" in a smaller font, and "BUT COOLER" at the bottom in a font size larger than the middle line but smaller than the top line. The golf ball is depicted in a simplified, circular shape with a pattern of dots representing the dimples on a golf ball. The overall style of the image is minimalistic and modern, with a clear emphasis on the text and the golf ball motif.

Golf DadGolf Dad Like A Regular DadGolf CoolerGolf Dad CoolerGolf Dad Cooler Like A Regular DadGolf Dad Cooler QuoteGolf Dad Cooler Quote Like A Regular DadGolf Dad Cooler Quote FunnyGolf Dad Cooler Quote Funny Like A Regular DadFather's Day

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