The image features a graphic design with a white background and text in various styles and sizes. At the top, there is a large, bold text that reads "EINEN ENGEL OHNE FLÜGEL NENNT MANN MAMMA" which translates to "A mother without wings is called a mother." Below this, there is a smaller text that says "EINEN ENGEL OHNE FLÜGEL NENNT MANN MAMMA" which is a repetition of the phrase above. In the center of the image, there is a large, stylized wing with a black outline and a white interior. The wing appears to be in a state of motion, as if it is flapping. At the bottom of the image, there is a red heart with a white outline and a small white arrow pointing to the right. The heart and arrow are placed next to the text, which is written in a cursive font and reads "Mama." The overall style of the image is playful and artistic, with a clear focus on the themes of motherhood and the idea of a mother as a guardian or protector, as suggested by the phrase "a mother without wings is called a mother." The use of a wing as a symbol for protection and care is a common motif in various cultures and languages.

QuoteGermanMotherhoodParentingLoveFamilyMother's DayParenting QuotesGerman QuoteGerman Mother's Day

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