The image features a graphic design with a white background. At the top, there is a black cross, and below it, there is a text that reads "JOHN 146" in a bold, capitalized font. Below the cross, there is a larger text that says "THE WAY HE TRUTH THE LIFE" in a bold, capitalized font. The word "THE" is emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "TRUTH" is also emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "THE" is emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "THE" is emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "THE" is emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "THE" is emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "THE" is emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "THE" is emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "THE" is emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "THE" is emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "THE" is emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "THE" is emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "THE" is emphasized by being larger than the other words. The word "THE" is emphasized by

Christian QuoteBible VerseJohn 16:33Religious QuoteBible Verse QuoteChristian LifeBible ReferenceChristian FaithReligious Quote BibleBible Verse Christian

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