The image features a black and white illustration of a sign that reads "Raised on Sweet Tea and Jesus". The text is written in a cursive font, with the words "Sweet Tea and Jesus" being the most prominent. The phrase is encased within a decorative border that includes a laurel wreath and a banner. The overall style of the image is reminiscent of a vintage or hand-drawn sign, with the text appearing to be hand-lettered. The image has a classic and timeless feel to it.

Raised On TeaTea And FaithTea And SpiritualitySweet Tea And JesusTea And ReligionSouthern HospitalityTea And CommunityTea And TraditionTea And CultureTea And Family Values

Other Designs

A Graphic Representation of the Word 'Jesus' in a Stylized FontEducation: A Journey of Love and InspirationEducation: A Journey of Teaching, Learning, and InspirationSouthern-Raised, Jesus-SavedA Collection of Farm-Themed Signs and LogosJust a Small Town Teacher: A Collection of Quotes and Sayings from a Small Town TeacherSouthern Sass: A Guide to the Art of Being a Southern BelleTeach Them to Be Kind: A Collection of Teaching QuotesSouthern Belle: A Heartfelt AffectionRaised on Sweet Tea and Jesus
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