The image features a graphic design with a black background. At the top, there is a text that reads "AZKABAN PRISON" in a stylized font with a metallic sheen. Below this, there is a series of numbers "339" displayed in a large, bold font. The numbers are accompanied by a series of symbols that appear to be a mix of Cyrillic letters and other characters, suggesting a code or a sequence of some sort. The overall style of the image is reminiscent of a sign or a label, possibly indicating a location or a code related to the Azkaban Prison, a fictional prison from the Harry Potter series. The design is simple yet striking, with the contrast between the black background and the white text and symbols making the elements stand out.

Harry Potter Prison NumberAzkaban Prison NumberAzkaban PrisonHarry PotterPrison NumberHarry Potter PrisonJail NumberHarry Potter Jail NumberPrison Number 3390Azkaban Prison Number 3390

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