The image is a black and white illustration featuring characters from the animated television series "The Simpsons." The characters are depicted in a simplified, cartoon-like style. In the foreground, there is a large couch with four characters sitting on it. From left to right, the characters are: 1. A man with a bald head, wearing a white shirt and glasses, with a surprised expression on his face. 2. A boy with a large head and a small body, wearing a red shirt and glasses, with a neutral expression. 3. A woman with a large head and a small body, wearing a black dress and glasses, with a neutral expression. 4. A baby with a large head and a small body, wearing a white dress and glasses, with a neutral expression. The characters are drawn in a way that suggests they are sitting closely together, with the woman and baby on the far right and the man and boy on the far left. The couch they are sitting on is large and takes up most of the image. The background is plain and does not provide any additional context or setting.

The SimpsonsCartoonFamilyHomer SimpsonMarge SimpsonBart SimpsonLisa SimpsonMaggie SimpsonAnimation

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