The image displays a playing card with a unique design. The card is predominantly white with a red border. On the left side of the card, there is a red heart symbol. In the center of the card, there are two distinct images: a horse and a cat. The horse is depicted in a standing position, while the cat is shown in a reclining position. Both animals are adorned with a floral pattern. The horse is located above the cat, and they are both within the red border of the card. In the top left corner of the card, there is a small red heart symbol. The card appears to be a part of a larger deck, as suggested by the visible edge of another card in the top right corner. The style of the card is artistic and decorative, with a focus on the animal illustrations.

Playing CardsRed And White DesignHorse On A CardHorse On A Playing CardAnimal On A CardRed And White HorseHorse On A Card GameHorse On A Card DeckHorse On A Card Game DeckRed And White Pattern

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