Tagged Designs: Politics

Folks, Let's Pop Off: Barack Obama, 2015T.R.A.P.: To Rise Above PovertyWe Hold These Truths: To Be Self-Evident That All Men Are EqualPeace, Love, and America: A Graphic Display of Patriotism and HarmonyApparently We Are Trouble When We Are Together Who Knew!Peace, Love, and True Crime: A Graphic NovelPeace, Love, and True Crime: A Graphic NovelI Don't Treat People Badly: A Guide to Treating Them AccordinglyA Humorous Take on Political AffiliationsA Humorous Take on the Contents of a Bag: 'Without the Contents of this BAG, I would SCARE people'A Party Until the Canadian Showdown: It's Not a Party Until the Canadian ShowdownVote: The Power of DemocracyWhat the Huff: A Playful Exploration of the Huffington PostA Patriotic Declaration: And the Rockets, Red Glares, and the Bombs Bursting in Air Gave Proof Through the Night That Our Flag Was Still There2nd Amendment: A Symbol of Freedom and ProtectionChoosing Peace: The Power of Ukraine's InfluenceA Globe of the World in98% of People Find Offensive Humor Funny2020 Election Campaign Poster: ByeDon 2020 Joe BidenBiden 20: A Political Campaign PosterGo with Joe: A Symbol of Patriotism and TrustBiden for President: A Symbol of Unity and StrengthBiden for President: A Political Campaign PosterBiden's Campaign Logo: A Colorful Display of SupportA Globe on a Stand, Representing Our PlanetA Patriotic Affirmation: Loving America and Its PeopleWe the People Like to Party: A Celebration of American Values and FestivitiesA Globe of the World, Symbolizing Global ConnectivityA Humorous Quote on the Importance of Planning and PreparationHumorous Sign: A Playful Take on German Culture#FreeBritney: A Call for Justice and Freedom#FREEBRITNEY: A Symbol of Hope and FreedomFreedom of Expression: A Visual Tribute to Britney SpearsEst. 1912: A Historical MapPoliticians' Call to Action: 'If All Politicians Fished Instead of Spoke Publicly, We Would Be at Peace with the World'Politicians' Call to Action: If All Politicians Fished Instead of Spoke Publicly, We Would Be at Peace with the WorldA Humorous Political Statement: 'I Don't Need Sex, the Government Fucks Me Everyday'A Humorous Take on the Importance of Maintaining Cleanliness and HygieneA Political Statement: 'Don't Blame Me, I Voted Remain'That's What She Said: The OfficeNotorious R.B.G.: A Tribute to Ruth Bader GinsburgA Powerful Message: The Importance of Truth and IntegrityLegalize Melanin: A Colorful Call for EqualityA Collection of Humorous Quotes from 2020A Globe with a Stylized Face, Emphasizing the Earth's Roundness and the Human Connection to ItBlack Lives Matter: A Call for Justice and EqualityBlack Lives Matter: A Call to ActionA Flag with the Hashtag #BLMMeme: The Art of Supreme RedemptionFolks Wanna Pop Off: Barack Obama, 2015

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